Emergency Dental Treatment

Striving to providing our patients with great smiles that will last

Do you have a dental emergency?

Emergencies can happen and they are almost always unexpected & out of the blue. When these emergencies happen the faster you can get to a dentist the better the outcome can be in most cases. Unfortunately, not everyone knows when to treat a dental problem as an emergency. You may delay treatment because you assume that you need to schedule an appointment, this is why we have reserved appointments each day for dental emergencies at Aldinga Dental Clinic.

When & if a dental problem arises, you need to remain calm and assess the situation. Determine whether the issue is an emergency or if it is an issue that can be treated later.

The following issues will need emergency dental treatment, if you do have any of the below please call us asap:

  • Severe tooth pain or sensitivity

  • Broken or chipped tooth

  • Knocked out tooth or teeth

  • Abscess or dental infection

Open Hours

Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

(08) 8557 6598

Dental Clinic Location

What Else Should You Know About Dental Emergencies?

The main point is that immediate dental treatment increases the chances of a successful outcome. Whether you have a broken tooth, an infection, a missing tooth, or severe pain, emergency dental services could prevent additional pain or damage to the affected area.

It’s also important to know that you cannot protect yourself 100% against injury to your teeth. But, you can take precautions to limit the chances of requiring emergency dental work. For example, if you or your child is playing a sport, then wearing a mouthguard is recommended.  This could protect against one of the most common causes of broken or chipped teeth – sports injuries. 

Make sure you are brushing and flossing on a regular basis to keep the mouth as clean as possible to reduce the chances of infection.

You should also avoid using your teeth to open things. As mentioned, attempting to open a bottle or rip open a package using your teeth can result in unnecessary pressure, potentially causing a fracture or crack.

If you’re worried about dental emergencies involving your children, remember that baby teeth don’t need to be saved. The first set of babies’ teeth falls out anyway so it is not always necessary to bring your child in if they lose one. 

However, if the tooth is knocked out due to an injury, then you should schedule an appointment to have your dentist examine the gums and other teeth for any signs of damage or stress, to other teeth in the gums.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for professional whitening on (08) 8557 6598.

Or you can book online

Feel free to follow us on Facebook we like to update our patients with news & information about the practice. For example blog articles on why you should brush and floss your teeth, new staff members, updates to closing times.

In more recent times we have used our website and Facebook to inform our patients about new rules in relation to the COVID-19 crisis.

This way you are kept up to date on the rules, recommendations & information related to our Aldinga dental Clinic. We look forward to helping you and your family.

Emergency Dental Treatment in Adelaide


Click the link below to book your next dental appointment online. If you have any questions please give our clinic a call on 08 8557 6598