Dental Implants

Striving to providing our patients with great smiles that will last

Dental Implants, what are they?

  • Dental implants are titanium screws that are inserted into the jaw bone to replace a missing tooth or teeth

  • The jaw bone integrates (fuses) around the implant, thus creating a very solid, stable fixture

  • The titanium implant sits in the jaw bone under the gum line

  • A porcelain crown is attached to the implant to provide a tooth that looks and feels natural

Why Use Dental Implants to Replace Missing Teeth

  • Teeth supported by implants look natural, feel comfortable and function like natural teeth

  • Implants can improve your smile

  • Tooth replacement with implants does not involve any preparation of your natural teeth surrounding the missing tooth/teeth

Open Hours

Monday – Friday 8:30 – 5:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

(08) 8557 6598

Dental Clinic Location

Procedure for Placing Dental Implants

At Aldinga Dental Clinic, in most cases we perform all dental implant procedures from start to finish. You can feel at ease knowing that all stages of your implant treatment will be performed by the same practitioner familiar with your treatment needs from beginning to end. 

Successful dental implant treatment requires thorough planning and a meticulous approach.

  1. Your mouth and teeth are examined thoroughly and x-rays are taken to assess the bone quantity and quality in the area of the proposed implant
  2. The jaw bone where the implant will be placed is prepared with precision instruments to the shape of the implant
  3. The implant is then inserted into the prepared jaw bone site. The bone will grow around and fuse to the implant, forming a solid, stable fixture
  4. A porcelain crown is ready to be attached to the implant approximately three to four months after the initial insertion of the implant. A temporary tooth can be provided during this three to four-month period.
dental implant
Dental Implants Adelaide

Denture Stabilisation with Implants

Benefits of Denture Stabilization With Implants

Unstable dentures can cause a constant state of discomfort and difficulty with speaking, chewing, and smiling.

These problems can be overcome by stabilising your dentures using a few dental implants. This will help your dentures to be held firmly in place, improving your ability to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

Procedure for Implant Retained Dentures

  1. Your existing dentures can be used if they are sound — otherwise, new dentures are made first
  2. Implants are inserted into the jaw bone (usually two implants for lower dentures and four implants for upper dentures) and are allowed to integrate (bond) into the bone for three to four months. Your existing dentures can be used during this time
  3. After the implants have been integrated, precision attachments are inserted into your dentures which will securely click onto the implants to provide a stable, firm connection. You can still remove your dentures to clean them.

What are the risks/complications associated with dental implants?

Although a dental implant is considered an effective, long-lasting treatment for replacing missing teeth, like all other treatment, they can be associated with some risks/complications.

Some of the risks/complications include:

More common

  • Pain for 1-3 days after the procedure (pain relief will be provided to reduce this)
  • Swelling in the area of treatment


  • Failure of the implant to stabilise into bone
  • Infection 
  • Damage to adjacent structures during implant placement (e.g. other teeth, nerves)
  • Should any of these uncommon complications occur, referral to a specialist for further management or removal of the implant may be required.

As each individual case varies, your specific case will be assessed and discussed during your consultation.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment for professional whitening on (08) 8557 6598.

Or you can book online

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This way you are kept up to date on the rules, recommendations & information related to our Aldinga dental Clinic. We look forward to helping you and your family.


Click the link below to book your next dental appointment online. If you have any questions please give our clinic a call on 08 8557 6598